Saturday 31 March 2012

The dew from the womb of the dawn for Christ's satisfaction.

Psalm 110:3 " Your people will offer themselves willingly
In the day of Your warfare,
In the splendor of their consecration.
Your young men will be to You
Like the dew from the womb of the dawn."
Psalm 110:7 " He will drink from the brook by the way;
Therefore He will lift up His head."

I enjoyed this point the past week in the morning revival:
In order to cooperate with Christ's heavenly ministry in the day of His warfare, we need to rise up early in the morning to contact the Lord so that we may enter into the womb of the dawn to be conceived as the dew for Christ's watering.

Our time with the Lord in the morning isn't mainly for our satisfaction; it is for His satisfaction. When we rise early in the morning to spend time with the Lord we enter into the womb of the dawn. Here in the dawn something fresh of Christ is conceived in our being, making us the dew to water Christ for His satisfaction. Our personal time with the Lord is to make Him happy, to refresh Him by being the dew of the womb of the dawn for His satisfaction. Dawn refers to the first appearance of daylight in the morning. For us to be the dew of the womb of the dawn for the Lord's satisfaction we should be available to Him early in the morning.
Rising early in the morning is important because this is the best time to meet with the Lord. Brother Nee wrote in 'Early Rising'; "A sister once put it well when she said, 'How much a person loves the Lord can be judged primarily by the way he chooses between his bed and the Lord. Do you love your bed or the Lord more? If you love your bed more, you sleep a little longer. If you love the Lord more, you rise up earlier.'" 
There is a number of examples of people in the Bible that rose early in the morning; Abraham - Gen. 19:27;21:14; 22:3, Jacob - Gen. 28:18, David - 1 Sam 17:20, Mary - Luke 24:22; Mark 16:9; John 20:1, The Apostles - Acts 5:21 etc. Rising early has a great impact on our spiritual life, those that have learned to rise early know the significance of it. When we rise early in the morning we may ask; what should we do in this time? We fellowship with God, we praise Him, we read the Bible, and we pray. Not necessarily in that order or any specific order for that matter. 
Early in the morning is when we should be gathering the manna (Exo.16:14-21). Manna, signifying Christ, must be gathered before the sun rises, else it will melt. We need to gather the manna early in the morning before our day begins, when we do this we will be nourished and will have a good start to the day. Whether or not a person has gathered manna early in the morning can be seen in his walk during the day. It is so important to our spiritual life. 
When we want to practise rising early there is a few things to which we should pay attention; when you want to rise early, you must have the habit of going to bed early; do not set a too high standard, start at a moderate time for example 6:00 or when the sun is just about to rise, if the standard is too high you could get discouraged, take physical and environmental limitations into account, set a time, and then keep it; You will face difficulty in the beginning, it is always hard to form a new habit, but gradually your mind and body will begin to adjust. It is always important to take this matter to the Lord in prayer, He is so available to us, if we struggle with early rising we can tell Him; "Lord I struggle with early rising, but I know this is when I should gather the manna, Lord work in me concerning this matter." As a brother once said "be yourself until the Lord changes you."
So back to the beginning, this habit of rising early in the morning is to spend time with the Lord  mainly for His satisfaction. When He is satisfied we are satisfied. Those who offer themselves in the splendor of consecration are the dew of the morning to water Christ, and the overcomers are the brook in Psalm 110 to quench His thirst. When Christ is taking the lead in the warfare as seen in this Psalm, He will need water to drink, and this water is the overcomers. Praise the Lord! This is wonderful! Let us meet Him early in the morning for His satisfaction and enjoyment. In the morning revival it says; "He is our living water, and we are His drink. He is our refreshment, and we are His refreshment." 

1 comment:

  1. Nice blog Andrea! Looks like the South African saints are finally catching up! Man, I need to update my blog!
